Wednesday, May 6, 2015

'Kill The Faggot' - Fun for All.

Hello my lovely people!  This post is about very disturbed bigots.  I was surfing the internet when I cam across this story by Huffington Post.  If you would like to see the original article, click HERE.

An indie game designer by the name of Randall Herman made this game and successfully uploaded it to Steam (a video game site).  It lasted two hours before being taken down.  I'm happy that the game was taken down so fast, however, the main issue that I saw was that it was posted in the first place.

The way Steam works on uploading games to their server is that it (the game) has to go through a process called "Greenlight."  The way a game get's "greenlite" is by posting pictures, videos, and describing the game to the public.  The public then "likes" the project or not.  If enough people show interest in the game, it will get the "green light" and be published on their (Steam's) server for people to purchase and play.  

That is where the main problem lies for me.  Not the fact that the game was allowed, but that the community voted for it enough to be published.  It shows that we as a society still has a long way to go when it comes to LGBT rights.  This game was nothing more than a show case of hate speech and bigotry.  This is 2015 and people voted on playing a game that promotes killing homosexuals and being "rewarded" for it.

This game is by no means "satire" as some has tried to defend.  The definition of satire is: "the use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues."  How is a game that is all about murdering a specific group of people in any ways "humorous"?  

America as a whole is moving in the right directions when it comes to LGBT issues.  This June, we may be finally getting marriage equality for the LGBT community.  However, this game should be a warning of sorts.  That on the internet, people do not have to hide his/her true feelings and can support what they truly feel anonymously, such as a game fully of hate and bigotry.

Until next time!
The Secular Panda

References:  All photos can be found HERE

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