Hello my lovely people! Today I am starting a segment that I am calling "Political Cartoon Rants" (PCR). It (the segment) is where I discuss my opinion on political cartoons that I feel are powerful or have a good message (or are stupid beyond help). I hope you enjoy it. If you would like me to discuss any other kind of topics in the future feel free to let me know by commenting or emailing me.
#1) This is a prime example of what the hypocrisy of the GOP looks like. Each one of the GOP members (Jindal, Rubio, Bush, Carson, and Cruz) have all said that they do not support discrimination, however each wants to either put in laws that allow discrimination against LGBT members or to deny equal rights against them. I do not think they could be more hypocritical than if they tried to be. On a final part of this cartoon, even though I do know how "men that lie together" is translated from a biblical view, however I love the pun the artist used.
#2) This political cartoon is my personal favorite of these three, as well as one of my current all time favorites. I feel as this expresses how so many Christians believe. I have personally debated many people who identify themselves as Christian who will play the victim card and say that I (and my "type") try to oppress their religious freedom to discriminate by explaining that we are a secular state, and not a theocracy. Religious freedom is not the right to discriminate. Religious freedom is the right to believe in whatever faith of your choosing. It does not mean you can force your religious views on other people. The more we expose these types of "Christians", the quicker we can gain acceptance as a whole.
#3) This one is very similar to #2, however the main point I would like to make is the pink triangle. I personally did not know that the LGBT community is trying to "take back" that symbol. I put take back in quotations because the LGBT never actually "owned" that symbol. Instead, it is being redefined to mean a symbol of equality. I looked up the original meaning and found that a right-side up pink triangle was the symbol that Hitler and Nazi-Germany used to identify gays. I do like how we are taking a negative and attempting to turn it into a positive, however, I feel like it should be seen as a caution sign as well. If we use a symbol that used to mean hate and brought pain, suffering, and death we are giving bigots a symbol to "reanimate" from the dead. It may mean something positive to our community, but it may be used as a weapon against us later.
I hope you enjoyed this post, if so, let me know! If not, let me know as well, I seek advice from you all!
Until next time,
The Secular Panda
References: Picture link #1 HERE
Picture link #2 HERE
Picture link #3 HERE
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